
Six healthy relationship habits people think are toxic - The Standard
No relationship is perfect and sometimes all it needs is some time and introspection (Shutterstock)

There is a fine line between love and hate. Relationships that start strong because ‘omg we’re so in love’ can quickly end up in bitter legal battles.

Many of us are quick to point out toxic work environments and friendships but when it comes to relationships, it becomes something else. The excuses we make to remain blind in our relationships are endless.

There is no denying that relationships evolve.

Before labelling what you have as toxic, it is important to understand what that means. A toxic relationship will contaminate your self-esteem, steal your joy, kill your passion and practically destroy you slowly.

That said, it is important to rightfully define what you have.

A lot of times we end up objectifying common habits and tendencies as toxic when in reality they aren't.

After all, no relationship is perfect and sometimes all it needs is some time and introspection.

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While most of us want things to be rosy and romantic all the time, in reality that is not always the case. That however does not mean you have a bad relationship.

Below are some common and healthy habits in a relationship that you might wrongly consider as toxic.

i.Being willing to end it

When things get really tough in a relationship, sometimes it takes emotional maturity to just call it quits without necessarily making a big deal and leaving the other partner with more physical damage than the emotional hurt.

If things cannot get to a point where they can be solved, it is only better to let it go.

ii.Letting certain issues slide

Not everything has to be a fight and not every argument is worth a fight. Depending on the gravity of the situation, sometimes it is okay to let the small things go.

An issue can only be addressed where respect has been jeopardized and the harsh reality of ignoring the issue is that it can only get worse or it will always be repeated. Know the worth of what you are fighting for.

Spending time definitely deepens the bond but spending too much time can do the opposite (Shutterstock)

iii.Not accepting flaws

The reality of every relationship is that no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and imperfections and the sooner we accept, the better. If your partner accepts you with all your flaws, even you should. Ignoring a few shortcomings can bring you two closer than ever.

iv.Feeling attracted to someone else

As much as we’d like to believe that we can have attraction only for our significant other, biology says otherwise. It is okay to find other people attractive as it's a biological and natural thing.

There is nothing wrong with admiring a handsome man or a beautiful woman. I mean, there is nothing wrong with giving credit where it is due. What you do with that is entirely up to you.

v.Spending time apart

Most people think that the more time you spend with your partner, the more connected you’ll be. The assumption is that you should show how dedicated you are by not leaving your partner’s side at all.

While spending time definitely deepens the bond, spending too much time can do the opposite.

It can erode your individuality and independence and this is damaging to the relationship.

It’s important that you spend time apart to focus on your own interests. Otherwise, it becomes easy to lose yourself when you don’t have any sense of independence.

vi.Hurting each other

Being too nice in the name of not hurting feelings can be damaging. It’s terrible to learn that your partner lied in a situation where the truth would have been far much better regardless of whether or not your feelings would have been hurt.

The truth can be a little difficult to handle especially when you care about someone but being honest is the best policy.

This, however, isn’t an excuse to be mean and insensitive. Being kind while giving your opinion is an integral part of a loving relationship.

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December 28, 2020 at 12:45PM

Six healthy relationship habits people think are toxic - The Standard
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