Relationships are not easy; it is full of challenges. If your full of a love relationship is suddenly dull and toxic, then make sure you listen to your mind, heart, and those imaginary voices in your head. Being in a relationship gets difficult to analyze and spot the red flags. Relationships with red flags are frustrating and can impact you and your mental health.Also Read - 5 Most Trustworthy Zodiac Signs Who Will Never Betray You

Here are some signs of an unhealthy relationship that you should never ignore:

  • You feel controlled: If your partner has started making all the decisions by himself or herself, then you are being controlled. If you tell your friends that he/she has my best interest in mind, then it’s time to use your mind. If you see this red flag, then run!
  • They roll their eyes at you: Well, if your partner is rolling their eyes at you that’s not a good sign. Well, respect is the foundation of a relationship and if they are doing that, then there is definitely a lack of respect and we suggest you get out of it ASAP!
  • There is no personal growth: If your partner wants you to have similar likes and dislikes, then this can stop your personal growth. Relationship expert Shahzeen Shivdasani told Indian Express, “Of course, your partner should factor into your decisions, somewhere. I am not saying they are not a priority. However, keep in mind that they are one of your priorities. It is important to have your own interests and your own set of friends. There’s a reason people say ‘sharing a life together’ and not ‘leading the same life’.”
  • They NEED you: People often get confused between need and love, needing someone is the biggest red flag. Understand the thin line between love and need.
  • They are abusive: Abuse can be of any kind, emotional, physical, and mental. And if you are in one abusive relationship, then you need to get out of it. If your partner is trying to destroy you in any way, then it’s time to call it quits. Thinking that he won’t do it again is a wrong assumption. Hurting anyone is wrong, and if you are in love you will never hurt the other person in any way.

It can be difficult to see these signs initially but if those sirens in your head have started to go off, then it’s time to move on! Also Read - Unlearning The Learning!

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