
To know Christ - Osceola Sentinel Tribune

Getting to know someone is pretty much a given if there is going to be any sort of relationship. That is, if the relationship you are after is meaningful and healthy.

How many times have you and I failed in the relationships we’ve had? (And I’m not only talking about romantic relationships) These could be relationships with family members, business partners or co-workers, friends at school, or the neighbor down the street. One of the main reasons we fail at these relationships is because we fail to really get to know the other person.

The relationships we have with the people around us are very important. We need to cherish those relationships. After all, they are some of the greatest gifts we have in this world. But, there is a relationship that is far greater and meaningful than any human relationship we could possibly enjoy.

The relationship I am talking about is the one that Christ desires to have with us.

No other relationship has greater impact on us than a relationship with Jesus.

Honestly, I struggled with that statement because to say that a relationship with Jesus merely has great impact on us doesn’t do that relationship justice. Think about it… what other relationship has such a great impact that it would result in eternal life in Heaven? I can’t think of any. What other relationship can result in our sins, that separate us from God, being washed away? Again, I can’t think of any.

The value of knowing Jesus is immeasurable. That’s why the apostle, Paul, wrote this…

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8, ESV).

Prior to this verse, Paul had just finished writing what sounds like a pretty impressive résumé. He listed all the reasons why he could be seen as a religious Superman. But, then he says, “I count everything as loss”. Here’s why he said that…

Nothing compares to a relationship with Jesus.

To paraphrase Paul – it doesn’t matter how great you think something is (including yourself), it pales in comparison to knowing Jesus. Paul said that knowing Jesus is of such great worth that it surpasses all else. That’s because nothing else can save you; only Jesus can do that. Nothing else in this world can bring the kind of peace that Jesus can bring. Nothing else gives the kind of purpose that Jesus gives.

And then, Paul goes on and says something that might shock you.

A relationship with Jesus is worth any sacrifice.

Paul tells us that when he thinks about all the things that he thought made his life so wonderful, compared to Christ, they are like rubbish or trash. Now, to be very clear, if we look at much of the other things that Paul wrote, he never treated people like trash; he never treated his ministry like trash; he never saw any other valuable parts of his life as actual trash.

Paul is merely saying that in a side by side comparison, a relationship with Jesus is of such immeasurable value that nothing else can even come close. That meant that Jesus was worth the sacrifices that Paul had to make in life. It’s the same for us. If your desire is to have the peace and forgiveness that comes only through a relationship with Jesus, there will be sacrifices that you will have to make. But, Jesus is worth it. After all, eternity is what is at stake.

I encourage you to explore the potential behind a true relationship with Jesus. After all, no other relationship has the power to save us. No other relationship will have the kind of impact on your life that a relationship with Jesus will have. If you have questions about how to begin such a relationship, I’d love to talk with you.

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September 25, 2020 at 10:34PM

To know Christ - Osceola Sentinel Tribune
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